How much do you really know about Barcelona?

Are you a knowledged visitor or a clueless tourist? Test yourself with this True or False quiz!!

There are so many facts about Barcelona that even its habitants are unaware of. Are you more acquainted about the Catalonian capital then the locals or was it all a delusion? Find out for yourself!


About Barcelona


1. Barcelona’s most famous street, Las Ramblas, is divided into six different sections.      
2. Catalan is the only official language since Barcelona is the capital of Catalonia.
3.It’s one of Europe’s greenest city and has 68 parks.
4.There’s a park just for flamenco dancers. 
5.Barcelona has almost 4 million tourists every year.


Barcelona’s history quiz!


1. Barcelona’s beaches weren’t used for leisure until 1992.
2. Barcelona was supposed to be the home for Eiffel Tower.
3. Gaudí was not the original architect of Sagrada Familia.
4. Its famous monument Sagrada Familia is expected to be completed in 2018. 
5.The famous monument of Christopher Columbus is pointing towards the sky.


Fun Facts! (or not)


1. Famous football player Lionel Messi was born in Barcelona in 1987.
2. The World Book Day exists, thanks to Barcelona.
3. Barcelona is the largest city in Spain.
4. Barcelona’s football arena Camp Nou is the largest stadium in Europe.
5. Barcelona’s traffic is dangerous: every 19 seconds there’s an accident.





0-5: You’re a clueless tourist!: It must be your first time in Barcelona and you probably don’t know what to expect at all. A tour-guide and a map will be quite handy during your stay.

6-10: You’re an admirable visitor!: You’re must have visited Barcelona at least once or you’ve actually paid attention to your tour guide. Overall, you are well-rounded about the city and you don’t need a map to direct yourself.

11-15: You’re a true Barcelonian! Not only are you an expert of Barcelona, you just showed us that you don’t have to be a local to know about Barcelona and we applaud you!


Answers: 1. True 2. True 3. False 4. True 5. True 6 False 7.True  8.False 9. True 10. True 11. True 12. False 13. False 14. False 15.True

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