Barcelona’s TV station launches a new website: betevé

The public tv station of Barcelona BTV has gone through a whole new renovation. During the last week of January, the television channel changed its settings and layout, converting into betevé.  The new website homepage quoted:” We changed not just the new graphical display, but also a much deeper development which, gradually, it will improve“.

Betevé“- officially written in lower cases- is the fusion of two words: Barcelona and television; “this change is about thinking beyond a specific territory and technology“. betevé is seen as a point of contact between the people and the world, with the purpose of bringing culture and integration closer through TV, radio, social media etc.

The director of this new television, Sergi Vicente, explains that betevé “is developing into a joint concept, with a huge variety of content from television, radio, web and social media“. In fact, betevé has launched its own twitter profile as well as a newspaper.

Folch Studio’s cooperation with betevé

Folch Studio designed betevé’s image through a contest organised by the company itself. The design was said to have caught the authenticity of television that was once recognised in the late 90’s. Hence, it conquered the final stages of the contest and was then used as the official identity of betevé. In addition to winning the competition, Folch achieved the order of making the visual order for the organisation.

With the additional collaboration of the company’s producers, Goroka Norte and composer Nile Ciuró, Folch and betevé’s project turned out very successful. Stated by Vicente: “Our image is not just a logo, it’s a system of references that only makes sense as a whole.”

Though this project consumed a lot of time, effort and patience, the outcome was fruitful for the organisation. Furthermore, with the feedback accumulated by customers, the company was able to identify the areas that needed improvements afterwards.

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