More than 29,000 women gathered to run the annual 7.8km in aid of breast cancer
With more than 2,000 people running the previous year, this year’s event was the biggest yet – according to the Spanish Association Against Cancer, the bibs for the event sold out a month before, and a number of people decided to run the race last minute.
The sporting event took place Sunday, November 6 from 10:00 hours and this was the latest appointment of the various careers that have been carried out throughout the year in support of breast cancer, and gathered more than 29,000 runners, an authentic #PinkTide that took the streets of the Catalan capital to travel the 7.8 km of which the route is composed.
All of the runners wear a pink t-shirt with ‘today girls win’ written on the back. The main goal of the event is to raise awareness about breast cancer and to promote a healthy lifestyle and encourage women to participate in sports. 670,000 euros have been raised for the Spanish Association Against Cancer in the last 12 years that the event has been held. However money isn’t the only form of donation, many people even donate their hair to the ‘Pulseras Rosas’ trust which makes wigs for economically disadvantaged people who have been affected by cancer.
Here you can have a look to the route, the circuit was the same of last year, leaving the Av María Cristina (Fuentes de Montjuic) and arriving at Av de Ruis I Taulet. at Montjuic foundation and continued across the city to finish at Avenue Rius i Tablet.

The race route
COSMO was the official television of the event, and as usual, had a bow in the race. All the women passing through it, posed with their best smile since there was a camera taking photos that they could later download at COSMO microsite.
In addition, on Friday 4 and Saturday 5 took place the Sport Woman Fair, which opened its doors from 10:00 in the morning to 20:00 in the afternoon both days at the Fira de Barcelona. The entrance to it was free and in it, as in previous years, have been held various workshops and activities specifically aimed at women.

Thousands of women running at Montjuīc in aid of breast cancer
Back to the run, the winner of the race was Catalan runner Meritxell Soler, with second and third place going to Silvia Segura and Montse Carazo respectfully. The winner from Maresa in Barcelona crossed the line in a speedy time of 29:14 minutes with second place finishing almost a minute later.