Sants-Montjuïc is Barcelona's largest district, covering a surface area of 2,090 hectares, almost equivalent to a fifth of the municipal territory. It comprises neighbourhoods with extremely diverse populations and their own distinct personalities. The historic village of Sants is located above the Gran Via. Once a rural settlement, it grew rapidly in the first half of the 20th century when textile mills, factories and shops set up their premises here. Like many other villages on the Barcelona Plain, Sants was annexed by Barcelona in 1897. However, the most iconic landmark in Sants-Montjuïc is certainly Montjuïc Hill. Standing 185 metres high, its characteristic outline, resembling a cliff sinking into the sea, has been a symbol of the city since ancient times and a superb viewing point over Barcelona. The hill was known as the Mount of the Jews (Montjuïc in Catalan) and so-named because Barcelona's Sephardic community bought land here in medieval times to bury their dead. Montjuïc has been one of the city's key suppliers. The Romans used stone quarried on Montjuïc to build Barcino, and the Christians took stone from here to construct iconic medieval landmarks such as Santa María del Mar. Montjuïc has been, and remains, a superb lookout point over Barcelona. You can enjoy exceptional views of the city, port and coastline from its many belvederes – such as the Mirador del Alcalde, and the Mirador del Migdia and the path that connects them – and unique means of transport, such as the cable cars which run up to the castle and across the harbour. If you add other cultural attractions to the mix, such as CaixaForum and the Fundació Miró, as well as the many themed gardens from different eras that dot Montjuïc Hill, it gives us a great community space where you'll find art and culture, leisure and sport, trade fairs and congresses, gardens and nature trails.

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