Luthier Dansa
Luthier Dansa was founded in 1979 by guitarist Alícia Alcalay, a graduate from the Conservatori Superior Municipal de Música de Barcelona. In 2011 Ms. Alcalay and her son, tap dancer, and choreographer, winner of the DansaCat 2010 Award Guillem Alonso, launched a dance program at the school.
The dance department has the aim to become a high-quality dance center specialized in tap dance. For this reason, in 2012 they started a Professional Tap Program, an intensive training for intermediate or advanced tap dancers from all nationalities.
Luthier Dansa teaches ballet, jazz-dance, contemporary dance, body percussion, flamenco, urban dances, Irish dance, Baroque dance and Music Theory for dancers.
They are also offering workshops, masterclasses and summer&winter intensives and are regularly inviting guests teachers such as: Michelle Dorrance, Nicholas Young, Avalon Rathgeb, Chris Matallo, Susan Hebach, Josh Hilberman, Mark Mendonca, Teresa Pérez Ceccon, Colin Sinclair (jazz-dance); Denzil Bailey, Jordi Arnau (ballet); Nick Nguyen, Bruna Gondoni, Mª José Ruiz Mayordomo (Baroque dance) and many others.
Luthier Dansa belongs to the active and open tap dance family in Barcelona. They enjoy sharing their passion for dance. Especially for tap dance.