Goethe Institut

Goethe Institut is a center located in Barcelona, Spain. They provide teaching German from the level A1 (beginners) to C2 (experts).

This institute is offering various types of courses such as courses for adults, young people, special courses, exam preparation and courses for companies.

Courses for adults are divided into standard courses, intensive courses, and super intensive courses. It is taught in groups of 10-18 people. Courses last 2-14 weeks. One lecture lasts 45 minutes and during the week are 4-8 lectures. The prices differ and are from 145 euro per one course to 930 euro.

Courses for young people are available in two forms: standard courses and super intensive. It is for young people from the age of 13 to 16. Duration is 3-28 weeks and there are 2-20 lectures per week. Prices are around 520-560 euro.

Exam preparation courses are provided for B2, C1, and C2 certificate.

In their special courses, you can extend your knowledge of German to the professional world, and improve your ability in conversation on topical issues. Conversation classes are provided for the levels C1-C2.

With courses for companies developed by the Goethe-Institut you can improve the most relevant language skills in the workplace.



Our Address:

Roger de Flor, 224 Barcelona


41.4006048, 2.170462000000043



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