FUNIBER UNIVERSITY, or the Ibero-American University Foundation, is a university dedicated to in-class and online education. It is a school with international dimension .cla
The online teaching method, consist in promoting collaboration and cooperation among nations to enrich human development. It is a result of eight years of experience. Therefore, it guarantees a high quality global formation.
FUNIBER aims to accomplish fundamental goals, which are:
- Development and promotion of Post-graduate Degree Programmes
- Creation of Business Training programmes
- Development of International Cooperation missions
- Establishment of lines of Research and innovation projects
It offers differents specializations and masters:
- Environmental studies
- Health & Nutrition
- Sports
- Information Technology
- Teachers Education
- Communication
- Tourism
- Project Management
- Engineering, Quality Control
- Architecture & Design
- Business, Law
- Psychology & HR
- Languages
- Doctorates