Barcelona Night Time Trail

What happens when the sun goes down? Discover that part of Barcelona that remains invisible during the daylight and is only visible to citizens and travelers who are sufficiently attentive and curious. Enjoy this Barcelona that was hidden throughout history, from Roman times to the twentieth century.

With this route, you will know the magic of Barcelona, the one that belongs to the witches and the sabbaths, the one that is full of secrets societies and the enchanted houses.

You will also discover how the citizens of Barcelona used to enjoy themselves in the past making a trip into the nightlife that will take you to popular festivals, dance halls, tavern, and theaters, but also in a world of drugs, excesses, and games.

In addition, you will talk about sex and its evolution over the centuries, starting with Roman liberality and ending with the famous brothels that brought Picasso to dedicate them a painting entitled The Misses of Avignon.

The guide will also unveil the underground world of crime, smuggling, and banditry, narrating some of the most famous crimes of the city, such as those committed by the Vampire from Barcelona.

Finally, we can not forget the revolutionary Barcelona, the one of the gun laws, the strikes, and the anarchist attacks, nor of those famous personages who have left their mark in the city, like Cervantes, Einstein, Dalí, Picasso, Trotsky, Lorca, John Wayne or Ava Gardner, among many others.

What does your reservation include:
  • Guided Tour with the following itinerary: Plaza de la Seu – Bisbe Street – Sant Felip Square Neri – Carrer de Sant Domènech del Call – Boqueria street – Ferran street – Avinyó street – square George Orwell – Escudellers Street – Las Ramblas – Nou de la Rambla Street – Salvador Seguí Square.
Book now your tour from €20!



Our Address:

plaza de la Seu


39.4763252, -0.37530790000005



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