Festa Major de Gràcia – The most colorful party of Barcelona!

Festa Major de Gràcia

Each year, during one week in mid-August one of Barcelona’s most traditional, vibrant and famous parties takes place. It is known as the Festa Major de Gràcia. Moreover, the neighbourhood used to be an independent municipality until it became a part of Barcelona in 1897. Since then it has kept its certainly strong community feel; something that is shown through its avid participation in its annual Festa Major or annual celebration in Catalan.

Above all, the event is based on a competition between the streets of the neighbourhood in which their decorations are compared. The competition results in a real feast for the eyes; with lights, sculptures and a variety of themes chosen by a council formed by residents on each street. Therefore, as you walk through the streets, you could be finding yourself taking a trip to Japan; through the laboratory of a mad scientist; or even an underwater world! Every street participates and each decoration is more outrageous than the next.

Festa Major: A colorful party!

As you walk down the streets and let yourself be transported by the decor, ambience and festivities; you will notice that locals and tourist mingle. Above all people of all ages can be found enjoying this traditional party. Numerous activities take place throughout the week, ranging from swing classes, expositions, concerts, beer and wine tastings and much more. This is a great way to have a peek into the Catalan culture; as many of the activities derived from it. But you will also find several stalls with street food and drinks to keep you satisfied.

During this week, there are over 500 ongoing activities to observe, enjoy and participate in; as well as a party-filled atmosphere that fills the streets and districts of Gràcia. This festive week is full of parades, open-air concerts, dance performances, workshops, theatre acts and fireworks. Many people join the long-lasting festival and enjoy the exciting and slightly overwhelming ambience in the otherwise peaceful residential district. Originally, over 116 years ago, this festival took place just outside of Barcelona but it has since then earned its own identity!

The competition

The festival includes a competition in which different streets are decorated by residents. That is to say, one is selected as the best-dressed street in Gràcia. The neighborhood takes this competition very seriously. The district gathers together for months on end to turn the streets of Barcelona into a real-life fantasy world. Each year the various streets take on a unique and distinctive theme, which remains a secret until the party starts!

Source: www.timeout.es


Another popular tradition during this festival is the correfoc (games of fireworks) in which costumed people dance and run around amidst fireworks. Devils, dragons and monsters dance to the rhythm of drums and breathe out their astonishing fire breath into the crowd. However, don’t worry if you have CHILDREN with you. There is also a less frightening firework show intended for children. If this doesn’t seem like your thing, don’t worry! The festival has something to suit everyone’s style of entertainment. Other popular events include live concerts and traditional Catalan dances.


But you will also encounter traditional Catalan Castellers. Formed by a team of trained men and women the Castellers put on a show in which they construct a human pyramid; or, better said, a human castle. To further complete the human tower a young child climbs to the very top and waves to the crowd. This tradition is meant to represent the unity of the Catalan people, though it’s a frightful sight to behold. Teams throughout the city compete with each other to form the highest tower. This tradition has even made it to the list of the Intangible World Heritage by UNESCO.

Most importantly, entering the Festa Major in Gràcia will cost nothing and activities all remain fairly priced; making it an excellent choice for people with a budget. For information on the full program of this week festivities, you can click here.

How to get there

You can get to Gràcia by Metro or by Bus; These are the lines and routes that have stops nearby:

  • Metro: L3 Fontana stop
  • Bus: 22, 27, D40, V15, V17

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xavi: Hello there! I love to travel, and Barcelona is a great city to live, thats why I decided to write about it and share my experiences!