Benefits of doing an internship in Barcelona

Benefits of doing an internship in Barcelona

Are you a student or a recent graduate who’s looking for an experience abroad? Have you considered doing an internship in Barcelona? Because it might just be the opportunity that you are looking for. Not only will you gain a lot of knowledge during your internship, it’s also a way to discover a new city or country while you’re there. Below we’ll list a number of reasons as to why you should seriously consider doing an internship in Barcelona.

#1 Develop your skills

First and foremost, you’ll want to develop your skills during your internship. You’ll be working in a team that has developed their own skills throughout the years and have loads of experience. They’ll pass on some of their skills onto you and along with the responsibilities you receive, you can expect to quickly learn new skills and develop the ones you already had. An internship usually lasts somewhere between three and six months, so that’ll give you plenty of time to first get acquainted with the processes within the company and a little further along the line you’ll start learning to use the theory from your classes.

#2 Gain valuable work experience

An internship isn’t exactly the same as a job. However, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to learn the same things a new employee would. And you’ll always be able to create your own opportunities to leave your mark on the companies’ activities. You’ll probably also write reports about your internship, and everything combined will make for quite the advantage when you’ll be applying for your future job. And standing out from other graduates along with hard work is what will land you that dream job.

#3 Explore an interesting career path

Most students choose an internship that suits their skills, but also one that will introduce them to the department and career path they’re interested in. Whether you go into the direction that you want to go, or you choose something entirely different, either way you’ll see for yourself if that path is something you’d like to continue down on or not. You might surprise yourself, as many interns come to useful insights they wouldn’t have had without their internship. And you’ll also be able to explore your future career opportunities here in Barcelona, many expats have lost their heart here before.

#4 Create and expand your network

During your internship, you’ll encounter many interesting people. If you play it smart, you should always introduce yourself professionally and have a business card on hand. This way they can contact you easily. You’ll probably receive a business card in return, so you can contact the person you have just encountered. We recommend that you add them to your LinkedIn as well. This way you don’t have to go through a stack of business cards each time you’re looking for contact details. Even meeting people at the office can be useful to put yourself out there. If you work hard, they may endorse the skills you’ve put on your profile. This means that future employers get some kind of proof that you do possess these skills.

#5 Stand out from other graduates

You’re adding a lot of experience to your CV when you complete an internship. It shows that you want to work and learn. You could even ask for a recommendation letter from your mentor at the company as extra proof that you’ve successfully completed the internship. And add to that your experience abroad, and they’ll see that you’ve gained plenty of valuable knowledge. An experience abroad is something that employers will start to value more and more, as their workforce, in any office, is becoming more diverse. And we should all gain some intercultural communication skills. We highly recommend an internship in Barcelona to boost your CV.

#6 Possibility of landing a job offer

Work hard and reap the benefits. Or more specifically, get a job offer in the position you’ve currently mastered. During all those months, you’ll gain many skills and get used to the processes you have to follow, the programs you have to use or just generally how everything works in the company. Wouldn’t it be amazing if you would get paid for doing the same things you were already doing? And it’s cost-effective for your employer as well, because he doesn’t have to go look for and train someone else.

#7 Discover Barcelona

If you choose to do your internship in Barcelona, you can explore the city during your free time. As you might know, the Spanish life gets started when you finish working. The night life is busier here than in other cities. It gives you the opportunity to completely relax and have a good time at those after-work drinks. You can explore the city on the weekends. Keep in mind that many museums have a free entrance on the first Sunday of the month.

Looking for an internship?

Have I convinced you to do an internship? In Barcelona? Because we offer some internships throughout the year, and one of them could be the one for you! Take a look at our WEBSITE to get a clear understanding of what we’ll expect from you. In addition, if you are looking for accommodation in Barcelona for your internship, use our website!

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