What girls need to know about travelling alone in Barcelona

What girls need to know about travelling alone in Barcelona

I am not a professional traveler but I have travelled a lot, and in many cases, by myself. However, I would say that these trips were the most interesting ones. Travelling alone in Barcelona also challenges your fears and insecurities, and subsequently gives you the opportunity to find new friends from all over the world. On top of everything, you have absolute freedom to choose what to do and where to go!

I started going across Europe when I was 18 years old and have made many trips after that as well. So far I haven’t faced any difficulties, normally it is rather easy because people are usually friendly and adjusted to travelers.

I want to share with you some “golden” rules which will allow you to enjoy your journey and avoid difficult situations. If you feel a bit nervous about travelling solo, above all this article is for you!

Safety is very important!

  • Use your common sense! Meaning, don’t go somewhere with random people, drink too much at a party or walk alone at night.
  • Be aware of sketchy people and strange things during your time in public transportation.
  • Protect yourself against unnecessary people’s attention. Above all, many girls use this trick: they put a ring on their finger and pretend to be married to feel safer!
  • This can serve as a good excuse to hint to curious people that you are traveling with a partner, or that you are waiting for another person.
  • Be confident. People make assumptions depending on your body language. You can show your confidence by keeping your head and posture straight and looking people in the eyes. You can also pretend that you have been in the area before.
  • Be alert and watch what is going on around you. Pickpockets are very common in the city. Often tourists are distracted, and people manage to steal something from them. If you find yourself in a tricky situation; just walk away, make noise or call help. Something that many girls also forget: in cafés and bars keep an eye for your drink and food.

  • Listen to other people’s stories and experiences, it will save you from mistakes. If it’s possible, ask locals which places should be visited and what should be avoided; but be ready to change your plans if you hear from several people that the place where you wanted go may be unsafe.
  • If you don’t want be identified as a lonely traveler, get close to big groups. For example in the metro, sit next to groups of friends or families. Maybe you can even make some new friends!
  • Use only the official taxis of the city

Taking care of money and valuable things

Before the trip, make photocopies of all documents which are necessary for you; such as passport, visa, your health insurance, etc. Don’t carry a lot of cash with you, and be careful with your credit card; as they are been copied more and more these days. Remember to further watch attentively your purse with money, especially in public places. It is better to divide the available cash into parts, and hide it in several places. It is also better to get a suitcase with a security code or a padlock!

Pack your suitcase intelligently and keep in mind the cultural differences

Think about what kind of clothes you should take with you and do the packing carefully. Same concerns expensive jewelry; above all try to seem like a true local, as tourists get robbed more easily.

When on the road, you might be challenged by unexpected factors or even be positively surprised by how well you can handle them.

In the end, I want to add that if you stay aware of your surroundings, safety, and study the behavior and culture of a new country, you will be able to perfectly enjoy your time! Get pleasure from the change of a situation, be free from worrying and problems and truly make the most of your trip!

By Anastasia Savkina

Are you planning a solo trip to Barcelona and looking for somewhere to stay? Why not take a look at the APARTMENT RENTALS WE HAVE AVAILABLE ON OUR WEBSITE. Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have.

xavi: Hello there! I love to travel, and Barcelona is a great city to live, thats why I decided to write about it and share my experiences!