Living options in Barcelona during Covid-19

Barcelona Covid-19

Living options in Barcelona during Covid-19

Barcelona-Home is fully aware that this is a difficult and strange time for everybody. So, we wanted to keep you updated about the current situation and contribute as much we can. We want to give all our support to the hard-working people at the frontline of the COVID-19. People that are not able to return home at the end of their work shift because of the fear of unknowingly spreading the virus to their loved ones, people that live too far away from their jobs and are not able to take public transportation; or people that go to a different city or country to help others fight the virus.

These are all scenarios that are becoming, unfortunately, our present. This is why we want to give them the information they need. So if you are one of these people keep on reading this article.

The Frontline

First of all, Barcelona-Home wants to say thank you to all the people that are at the frontline fighting for our health and safety. And, for them, we mean healthcare workers, doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and caretakers. But also people that work in supermarkets, public transportation, cleaning services, police force, delivery services and many many more. These are the people that keep our world going. Because of this, Barcelona-Home offers affordable apartments (even 7 times cheaper) throughout Barcelona and the Costa Brava for everyone in need of one. So, are you in need of another place to stay during these uncertain days? Feel free to contact us and we will do our best to find the best solution for you.

The frontline Barcelona-Home

Barcelona lockdown

Were you visiting Barcelona when the lockdown started? Is there no possibility for you to return to your home in another country or city, and do you need to leave the apartment or room you are staying in right now? Barcelona-Home offers cheap places for urgent situations like yours for as long as you need. We will look after your needs and try to accommodate you the best possible. If you are an intern or a student who was just going to Barcelona for a few months, and your stay is extended for an uncertain period of time, we also offer affordable student rooms for you. Maybe you live with your parents or grandparents and you don’t want to take any risks, we can help you sort something out as well.

Barcelona lockdown Barcelona-Home

In trouble with your rent?

A lot of people are out of work right now, of course, which infects a lot of things. One of those things is paying rent. If you aren’t making the same amount of money as you did before the virus spread, how are you going to cover your rent? Well, luckily the Council of Ministers approved a range of extraordinary measures on March 31, 2020. These measures clarify what will happen to tenants who are affected by the economic consequences of the Covid-19 and therefore cannot pay their rent. Suspension of evictions is one of the extraordinary measurements. Microcredits, extraordinary extension, and a moratorium on payment, and other extraordinary measurements. If you need any more information about this we recommend you to take a look at the official statement of the government about this.

Additional Cleaning

When you are in need of a different place to stay whilst the current situation, you want to know that the new place is clean and safe. To ensure this Barcelona-Home has added some cleaning services. Not only do we offer our regular cleaning service, but you can also choose to have your apartment cleaned with UltraViolet light and a household ozone machine. UltraViolet light is extremely effective at killing bacteria without the use of any chemicals. A UV purifier will kill flu virus germs floating around in the air, so this is a great tool to clean your apartment with Covid-19. Cleaning the air is also exactly what a household ozone machine does. By using both of these cleaning techniques Barcelona-Home tries to ensure the highest level of safety for new tenants.

Making progress

If you are in need of information about affordable places or about the extra cleaning services feel free to give us a call or send us an e-mail. You can also check out some of our other articles about the current situation for some more information. Going crazy inside your apartment? We also got you covered on this. Barcelona-home has a lot of great tips and tricks to get you through these uncertain times.

Barcelona-Home: Hello there! We hope you are enjoying our website full of interesting blogs to read. We absolutely love Barcelona and we hope that when you come to visit you will too!