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Время заселения с: 13:00

Выселение до: 10:00

Поздний заезд: Условия


Оплата по прибытию: Кредитная карта

88% наших гостей рекомендуют это жильё
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Адрес: Carrer de Tamarit - Eixample

Лицензия: HUTB-001790


Автоматический перевод: посмотреть исходный (английский)

Промышленная эстетика плоская, сохраняя оригинальные элементы ее конструкции, такие как крыша, деревянные балки, облицованные кирпичные стены, в дополнение к оригинальным деревянным дверям. Существует также современная ванная комната и недавно отремонтированная кухня. Есть две спальни с двуспальными кроватями, две одноместные спальни и в гостиной две односпальные диваны-кровати. Ванная комната оборудована душем. Кухня полностью оборудована и имеет столешницу из натурального дерева. Существует также большой балкон с террасой, который можно наслаждаться в солнечные дни.

Эти апартаменты расположены в здании, каталогизированном его исторической красотой конца девятнадцатого века под названием Les Cases Dels Cargols. Согласно легенде, скромный сосед района отправился искать улиток на гору Монтжуик, и в ходе обыска нашли сокровище с огромным количеством денег и драгоценностей, с помощью которых можно было построить это символическое здание Барселоны и в которые улитки украшают своим фасадом.


Вентилятор, Отопление, Кондиционер, Телефон для экстренной связи работающий 24 часа, Дополнительная парковка, Возможно проживание с животными
Лифт, Частная терраса, Вы путешествуете группой? Мы предлагаем больше квартир в этом здании!
Тостер, Посудомоечная машина, Духовая печь, Микроволновая печь, Кофеварка, Электронный чайник, Кухонные принадлежности , Холодильник, Кухонная плита, Морозилка
Фен, Душ
Стиральная машина, Постельное белье , Полотенца, Утюг, Одеяла
Телевизор, Бесплатный Wi Fi

Квартира расположена в очень тихом районе рядом с одной из самых символичных дорог Барселоны, Av. дель Паралело. В этом районе есть много возможностей для культурной жизни, с несколькими театрами и ресторанами, где вы можете попробовать разнообразные вкусные блюда. Он находится недалеко от многих хорошо известных районов, Баррио-дель-Раваль, Барселонета, Пуэбло-Секо, Сан-Монтжуик, Плаза-Эспаньа ... Он также имеет отличный общественный транспорт (метро: линия 3 Poble Sec-Linea 1 Rocafort).

Рядом находятся престижные международные рестораны, такие как Tikets, Hoja Santa, Bodega 1900 или Enigma, все из которых направлены престижным шеф-поваром Ферраном Адриа. Рядом с апартаментами вы найдете символическую гору Монжуик (легкие Барселоны), где вы сможете насладиться прогулками или заниматься спортом в различных садах, а также площади Испании, волшебного фонтана и Национального художественного музея Каталонии ( MNAC), Испанская деревня и Олимпийский стадион.

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Минимальный возраст 20 лет

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Выдается во время заселения, и должна быть оставлена в квартире после выезда. Услуга доступна только для гостей на короткий строк - до 30 дней.
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Выдается во время заселения, и должен быть оставлен в квартире после выезда. Услуга доступна только для гостей на короткий строк - до 30 дней
Podemos ofrecerle un parking opcional. Póngase en contacto con nosotros para más información.
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Ofrecemos una experiencia de airsoft no incluida en el coste total.
Te ofrecemos un fotógrafo por horas o jornada para inmortalizar tus mejores momentos en nuestra cuidad.
Si desea mantenerse en forma durante su estancia, podemos ofrecerle sesiones de entrenador personal. Precio no incluido en el total.
Realizamos reservas de discotecas y cenas de los mejores clubs de Barcelona. Contacta con nosotros para mas información.

Мы проинспектировали это жилье, проверив личность владельца, контактную информацию и свидетельство о праве собственности на квартиру. ✓

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Эта квартира была очищена и защищена от Covid-19, с дополнительными услугами по уборке, чтобы обеспечить вашу безопасность.

Минимальное требование возраста на выходные (менее 32 ночей) для гостей 25 лет.


8.8Oчень хорошо
10.0 Oтлично
Beautiful and bright apartment Перевести комментарий

The apartment is bright and spacious. The kitchen is well-equipped and Ioved the overall look of the interior.

Monica, Luxembourg
10.0 Oтлично
wonderful Перевести комментарий

the apartment we were using for many weeks was just wonderful! it is situated in a very beautiful old house, which is kept in shape in a superior manner. the famous gargoles house has a lift, the apartment a huge balcony, which gives the living room enormous light. the sleeping rooms evolve to the back of the flat where the kitchen is, which make them very quiet & dark, so you are not annoyed by the traffic from the street. everything in the apartment worked perfectly. generously we got new down blankets from the owner, when it got colder in November! the location is perfect for walks up mont juïc the close by metro or for visiting great restaurants & bars in the neighbourhood. lots of ecological shops, supermarkets are there too. 5 minutes walk away we used the newly reopened famous mercat of san Antony which is mind-blowing! traffic from carrer paral.lel is very loud. because the owner wants to make the flat available for 8(!) guests, the very nice old structured living room is cramped with couches for additional sleeping places, which takes away some of it´s charme.

gilbert, Austria
8.4 Oчень хорошо
Good locations Перевести комментарий

L\'appartamento è situato in una posizione ottima . A piedi eè possibile arrivare fino al centro della città . A pochi passi ci sono due fermate della metropolitana . Una vista stupenda dal terrazzo di casa . Wi-Fi perfetto . TV perfetta . Casa pulita . Non ci sono i condizionatori nelle camere da letto . Perfetto .

moreno, Italy
Ответ владельца

We are very happy to see that your stay has been satisfying and that you have enjoyed our apartment. We hope to have you back in Barcelona.

8.4 Oчень хорошо
8731 Перевести комментарий

Verbrachten tolle Tage in Barcelona. Hübsche Wohnung in toller Lage. Nur die Betten waren leider etwas unbequem.

Nicole, Switzerland
Ответ владельца

Thank you for your feedback, we are glad you liked your stay in BH apartments. We hope to see you soon!

10.0 Oтлично
Friends Reuniting in Barcelona Перевести комментарий

The apartment is very lovely, clean and comfortable! We had a small issue with the electricity that continually was going out, when we called the emergency number we were attended to very politely and quickly. In addition, the reservations team was very accommodating to let us check-in early. A few things about the apartment, the beds are very very uncomfortable, we all had backaches by the end of the stay. There are small touches that are missing such as no coffee machine, no paper towels, no beach towels, no pegs for the laundry line, no trash can in the kitchen, two rolls of toilet paper, etc. When you are renting an apartment you want to feel like you are at home, that is the point and some of these missing touches made the apartment feel a bit stiff. There are some great places to eat in the neighborhood and although outside the main city the public transit is very easy and so close so we didn\'t mind at all. In fact it was nice to escape the city and come back to a quite neighborhood at the end of a busy day! It would have been nice if upon check-in you got some nice local recommendations of places to eat or try out in the neighborhood. We were wandering blindly and trying different things. Overall there could be some more personal touches to make it feel homy!

Lacey, United States
Ответ владельца

Thank you for tyour feedback. We are pleased that besides the inconveniences you have enjoyed. Normally we supply the apartments with the basics, in case of needing something we try to provide it, we would have liked to know it before to be able to help you. We hope to have you back in Barcelona!

8.8 Oчень хорошо
Location, location, location Перевести комментарий

This apartment is all about the location! Just about a block from 2 different train lines, near to a supermarket, within striking distance of several good restaurants - pizza place across the street was really good! This is the place to be. The 4th floor (actually 6 in American floors) balcony with its little table and chairs was a great place to sit and have some sangria and watch for the siesta hours to be over. There was a washer (either no dryer or one we couldn\'t figure out so we used the provided clothes pins and hangers to air dry our clothing). Wifi worked very well. We had to ask for info on how to handle the garbage (a product of not being Spanish maybe). The elevator is small but worked perfectly - don\'t underestimate this fact! The check in was easy. The style of the apartment was contemporary and fun - really simple and good interior design. On the negatives, the double bed frame creaked at every movement, so much my spouse and I did not get much sleep that first night. We moved the mattress to the living room (on top of the fold flat couch - with the sides hanging off a bit) and it was a huge improvement. Since the AC is in the kitchen and in the living room, this also kept us cool. We had to keep bedroom doors open to keep the cool air moving. The bed set up does not let you put the two twins together as a Queen (unfortunately) as they are slightly different heights. The flat was very clean, maybe that\'s why it was kind of bare. We were disappointed there were no staples in the apartment - no salt, sugar, coffee, dishwasher soap and one sad sponge. We bought the basics and stocked the place - hopefully it will be there for you! We also couldn\'t find a kitchen garbage can (we used our grocery bags and the mop bucket). I would have appreciated some additional info (where to put the garbage, places that deliver food, where the nearest supermarket is that is also open on Sunday, how to use the washer) left in the apartment. All that being said, honestly, I would BUY this flat (are you selling?). I loved it that much. And then I would buy a new bed. And then I would freak out because I can\'t figure out how I would get that bed upstairs!

Kathryn, United States
Ответ владельца

hello kathryn
thank you for your review, we always want to make our host stay the nicest as posible, we take notes of the things to improve, about selling the property, the best is to contact barcelona home they are really profesional and they will tell you more about the price.

10.0 Oтлично
Parfait Перевести комментарий

Nous avons été entièrement satisfait de cette location. La communication et l\'accueil avec l\'agence a été plus que satisfaisant. L\'appartement correspond tout à fait à la description ainsi qu\'aux photos sur internet. Nous étions aux anges!!! Je ne trouve pas les mots pour dire à quel point nous avons apprécié notre séjour dans cette location. À proximité de tout (parking pour la voiture, commerces, métro, centre commercial, restaurants,...) Un grand merci à l\'agence et au propriétaire. Je recommande cette location ainsi que Barcelone Home!

Julie, France
Ответ владельца

We are pleased to know that you have enjoyed your stay in Barcelona, our goal is always to offer the best service to our customers. We are looking forward to have you in our apartments again. Thank you for your feedback!

9.6 Oтлично
Très déçu Перевести комментарий

Je suis très déçu de l apartement il était trop petit pour 9 personnes les chambres ne ressemblent a rien petites sans fenêtres et la lumière allumé dans une éclaire toutes les autres aucune intimité !les lits très inconfortables les canapés lit en plastique ! Et sans aucune protection pour dormir Avec un drap housse qui ne tenait pas ...la cuisine une table !!!! !! Qui bougeait pas stable et trop petite pour 9 , pas de cafetière.! 1seul torchon de cuisine pour 6 nuits et 9 personnes ! On aurait apprécié le minimum dans la cuisine a savoir sel ,poivre produit lave vaisselle J ai des enfants et nous partons souvent à l étranger en location j\\\' ai jamais été déçue mais là ! Franchement je déconseille fortement cet appartement aux familles Il avait l avantage d être bien placé !mais extrêmement bruyant

Ana maria, France
8.8 Oчень хорошо
good location Перевести комментарий

nice apartment, but if you live there, it would be better to be with max. 8 persons. Sleeping with to persons on one couch is really difficult... But really: great price and good location! A lot of thanks to barcelona-home and ocs-rental for the help and kindness!

Angelika, Germany
8.8 Oчень хорошо
Amazing apartment Перевести комментарий

I was with my family in Barcelona for a few weeks during summer and we stayed in this lovely apartment. It is perfectly situated, in the historical center of Barcelona so we could do almost everything walking. The flat is really sunny and spacious. Enjoy your stay!

Mary , Australia
8.8 Oчень хорошо
Perfect appartment in a good zone Перевести комментарий

I came here with a few friends, and already when we went to pick up the keys we were very well atended at the office. When we got to the house we could feel the tranquility in the house because of the amazing interior. The neighbourhood is cool also, it felt very safe and everything is nearby, and if not, the connection is very good to the centre of the city and other places.

Iris, Netherlands
8.0 Oчень хорошо
perfectly situated Перевести комментарий

Tthe team in the office is very well organized, always available via email and phone and very friendly. The apartment was perfectly situated for our desires. It is a perfect place for groups travelling to Barcelona. There are lots of sleeping facilities in the house. Be aware though, that just one bedroom has a window and that it can become really hot in summer. The balcony was very nice and big, but let's be honest: if you want to see Barcelona you will hardly stay in your apartment, right ;)

Juliane Corinna, Germany
8.8 Oчень хорошо
Joli appartement Перевести комментарий

C\'est un appartement idéal pour les séjours entre amis ou en famille. Situé près de la Plaça Espanya, vous pourrez vous rendre en quelques minutes seulement dans le centre ville de Barcelone grâce au metro. Le soir il est agréable de venir admirer le spectacle de la fontaine magique!

Raphaël, France
8.8 Oчень хорошо
Très bel appartement Перевести комментарий

Ce très bel appartement est idéal pour un séjour en famille ou entre amis. Situé près de la Plaça Espanya, vous pourrez aller admirer la merveilleuse fontaine magique ou le chateau de Montjuic. A quelques pas du métro, on rejoint les ramblas en quelques minutes seulement!

Chloé, France
8.8 Oчень хорошо
Génial Перевести комментарий

L\'appartement est parfait. J\'y ai passé une semaine avec mon groupe de copines. La rue est vraiment calme et l\'appartement est situé près de bons restaurants, bars.

Léonor, France
9.2 Oтлично
Perfekt! Перевести комментарий

Lägenheten har en superfin terrass där du kan se hela Barcelona! Den är jättefräsch och jättebra om ni är några stycken som ska bo där, det finns många rum.

Pernilla, Sweden
9.2 Oтлично
very spacious, clean Перевести комментарий

The check in and check out was pretty organized. The staff was knowledgeable of good tourist attractions and provided useful information. This apartment is very spacious, clean and fit 6 of us comfortably. Overall, our experience with this apartment was nice.

Albert, Canada
8.0 Oчень хорошо
That was convenient Перевести комментарий

9 people staying there. That was convenient. We missed 1 bathroom though. Location is great, right accross Ticket (New restaurant the El Bully dude). 9 ppl in there didnt feel overcrowded. Location is good not super central but not far away (metro poble sec less than 300m). Easy check in and check out.

Jon, United Kingdom
8.8 Oчень хорошо
The apartment is well appointed Перевести комментарий

Six of us stayed at the apartment for 4 nights and overall had a good experience. It is well located for the Airport bus and for the Barcelona Sants train station in an impressive old building and is pleasant and very generously sized - we actually had a spare bedroom to stow our luggage. The small terrace is lovely for sitting out in the evening. We never met the owner but dealt with various of their \'agents\' so the rental lacks any personal touch in that regard. Although we arrived at the agreed time we had to wait 30 minutes or so until we we admitted to the apartment. In fairness the lady who did meet us recommended a great restaurant for traditional cuisine that we would never have otherwise found.

Catherine, Ireland
10.0 Oтлично
Перевести комментарий

Estuve en Barcelona con toda mi familia y este apartamento fue genial para todos nosotros. Tiene todo lo que necesitas para pasar unas vacaciones estupendas.

Sabrina, Venezuela
8.8 Oчень хорошо
Перевести комментарий

This apartment was lovely with a nice terrace and the neighborhood was great. The landlord was very helpful, which was appreciated a lot! I would definitely recommend it to others :)

Stina, Sweden
8.0 Oчень хорошо
Перевести комментарий

this apartment is amaaaazing! The area was as well very charming and we loved to have our breakfasts outside on the terrace. We lost or keys one day but the landlord was really helpful and gave us a new one shortly after the incident. We will have to go back here!

Kate, United Kingdom
8.8 Oчень хорошо
Перевести комментарий

Familyfriendly! Thank you, we had a good time

Nina, Germany
8.8 Oчень хорошо

В этом году отдыхали с детьми в Барселоне. С уверенностью могу сказать, что ваша квартира рядом с парком Монжуик может достойно претендовать на звание одного из лучших пристанищ на время отдыха для молодой семьи. Понравилась чистота и уютный интерьер апартаментов. Обязательно будем рекомендовать Барселона -хоум своим друзьям и знакомым.

Ольга, Ukraine
9.2 Oтлично
Перевести комментарий

This place was our castle for 4 months!! It was so good with the big balcony and really close to our language school. The elevator works a bit bad.. more work out for us haha

John, Sweden
8.8 Oчень хорошо
Перевести комментарий

I like the staff, they were so friendly! it was a beautiful apartment, well furnished and with a great location. We were four, and each of us were satisfied

Michelle, Finland
9.2 Oтлично
Перевести комментарий

Charming place and helpful staff who followed us to the apartment when we came to Barcelona. It was a bit difficult to clean the apartment when we left cause there were not enough things, no vacuum cleaner.. But we managed :D Thank you!

Tuija, Finland
9.2 Oтлично
Перевести комментарий

Stor lägenhet med massor av utrymme, gillade verkligen balkongen också.

Martin, Sweden
7.6 Oчень хорошо
Перевести комментарий

Appartamento pulito e ben accessoriato. Nella cucina forse avrebbero fatto comodo un paio di pentole in piú ma in generale corretto.

Lucia, Italy
8.4 Oчень хорошо
Перевести комментарий

Nice flat and great location. The neighborhood is really calm and "really spanish" and just a 10 minutes walk away is the city center of Barcelona! What else could you ask for? :) Nice with balcony as well. We had a really nice stay and hope to come back to Barcelona soon!

Josephine, Sweden
7.2 Oчень хорошо
Перевести комментарий

I had a pleasant stay. This apartment is very near Montjuic and Plaza España but in a quiet neighbourhood away from the noisy centre where you can find supermarkets, groceries stores, pharmacies and parks. Even tough you can reach the centre by walking 15 minutes. The apartment is well equipped to enjoy your vacation. Highly recommended.

Matthias, Germany
8.0 Oчень хорошо
Перевести комментарий

Great apartment and great location!

Mike, Canada
8.4 Oчень хорошо
Перевести комментарий

This apartment was really great with a amazing balcony! If was great for whole our family!

Karl, Germany

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