What to do if you need medical care in Barcelona?

Living in Barcelona can be a joy – that, of course, is if nothing bad happens. But according to the way of life: sometimes we meet obstacles, and then all you can do is try to overcome them in the best way. One of the problems that can appear when traveling abroad as well as in your home town is that you get ill, and when one is living in another city it can be a little much frustrating to scroll through millions of webpages trying to find where you should go and the fastest way to solve it. Let us explain to you what to do if you need medical care in Barcelona.

The European Health Insurance Card

First, one of the things you need to think of before you travel here is if you are insured and to look up more specific details about your insurance. Most Europeans have the right to opt for an European Health Insurance Card; but you need to make sure to order one before going, and more so if you already have one you should make sure it is still valid. Bring this card together with your passport or another identity document whenever visiting some kind of medical care in Barcelona.

EU citizens can use their EHIC to access state healthcare in Barcelona during a short-term visitation. On the other hand, UK citizens can make use of their Global Health Insurance Card; this card is the replacement of the EHIC post-Brexit.

Certainly, as is the general case in Spain, the healthcare system in Barcelona is overall of excellent standard and hold an overly good reputation among both the locals and expats in normal circumstances. Even so to the point that a fair amount of foreigners travel to the city as ‘medical tourist’; meaning to take favor of the country’s exceptional treatments. This translates in a rise both to the public and private healthcare sectors. However, the some long queues for examinations or routine operations are still an issue, as it is worldwide.

The ‘CAP’ – Health Care Centre

The Catalan Public Health System is known to the locals as the CatSalut, and offers overall a largely subsidized care for those who have the TSI or the Targeta Sanitària Individual. If you get sick and need to see a doctor but it is a non-urgent errand, you should go to the Centre d’Atenció Primària, or ‘CAP’; which basically corresponds to a health care centre. Many people working in Spain needs a certificate from the doctors if they are away from work for being sick; and in that case this is where you go for an examination, diagnosis and a note. When moving here for work, make sure to apply for a NIE-number (social security number) and register to a CAP so that you will not lose money if you get sick.

Barcelona contains more than a quarter of all Spain’s private clinics; and more over a variety of options raised the standard of care in this cosmopolitan city. In the same vein, international travelers can be assure that they will be treated by well trained professionals at the public healthcare facilities.

  • Address: Carrer Roger de Flor 194-196, Barcelona, Spain
  • Contact: +34 935 07 03 90 || +34 902 50 01 79
  • Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 21:00; Saturday from 09:00 to 17:00

Hospitals for medical care emergencies

If you would come to hurt yourself during your stay here, or if any other medical care emergency appears you should call an ambulance on 061 in life-threatening situations; or go to the hospital in another way if the medical care condition is not that critical. However, you still need medical care as soon as possible! If you were to travel by taxi to the hospital you can always tell the cabdriver; and he will hopefully get you the right place.

Hospital Clínic

  • Address: Carrer Villarroel 170, Barcelona, Spain
  • Contact: +34 932 27 54 00 || Call 061 in case of an emergency
  • Opening hours: 24 hours/day
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xavi: Hello there! I love to travel, and Barcelona is a great city to live, thats why I decided to write about it and share my experiences!