How to find a job in Barcelona

How to find a job in Barcelona

Working in a beautiful and sunny place such as Barcelona is an exciting dream come true. It is one of the most visited cities in the world and as a place to live it has a variety that most other cities just cannot compete with. This is potentially the reason why many people are considering moving to and finding a job in Barcelona.

There is indeed an inevitable impact of traces from the 2008 economic crisis however, that doesn’t make it impossible to find a Job. According to Walt Disney “If you can DREAM it, you can DO it”. Therefore, if you have the dream of working in Barcelona you will definitely make it.

Job opportunities

On one hand, language barriers can limit individuals in finding professional and high skilled jobs if they don’t speak Spanish. You may be limited to hotel jobs in Barcelona or to barsrestaurants (waitressing, dishwashing, food delivery), and Au pairs. Spain in general, to find such jobs you will need to get out and meet people to practice giving them your CV’s, especially at restaurants and coffee bars.

Even though this might sound like an old system to find a job, it helps you as a job seeker to become familiar with the city to find work, which can be a really fun experience. Furthermore, it’s important to make friends with people and get yourself familiarised with the bars and restaurants.  We know that employers are much more likely to offer work to somebody who they already know.

Apart from these low skilled jobs, there are call center jobs. In the past years, many globalized businesses have moved to establish their call centres in Barcelona.  Generally, they seek natives of the most widely spoken European languages – French, Spanish, Italian, German, and English.

On the other hand, if you are very confident in having a good knowledge of Spanish or Catalan, you are more likely to have a variety of options to choose from. If you want the most options for working in Barcelona, then almost always you will need to know Spanish. You will definitely impress potential employers here if you know Catalan too which is the official language of Catalonia of which Barcelona is the capital. However, a smaller percentage of jobs have this as a requirement… Luckily, native English is also constantly in demand because many locals do not speak it so well.

Online teaching jobs in Barcelona

If you are having skills that can be transcended through the digital world, then why not try working in the field of online tutoring jobs on Preply? That’s right. Since the Pandemic, these types of job opportunities have risen to new heights.
People are trying to catch up with everything that is going on in the world and they definitely would need teaching jobs online to help them with language, skills, and knowledge in multiple fields. Traditional learning is not what it seems to be anymore.
Everything enters the Web in the last couple of years, including courses, online tutoring, consultations, and even live concerts. People not only in Barcelona but all over the world can feel obligated to use technology to explore, learn and dive deeper into specific fields chosen by them. Online tutoring jobs are not an easy task, of course. It takes great responsibility, knowledge and you should know your students well.

Also, you should be a master of your field to teach other people. No one would pay any money if they do not receive the sum of information they want to.

With proper preparation, technology, and researching the latest trends and methods in online tutoring, you can create a good name for your professional service, teach and benefit in Barcelona.

Recruitment agencies

In general, most jobs in Barcelona are hunted through recruitment agencies such as:


Normally, the time of year with the most labor demand in Barcelona are the months of September and October, as well as January and February. It is important to take advantage of it and apply for work during these heavy periods if you can.

Have you finally got the job you were hoping for? Great! We have some more tips on working in Barcelona

If you plan to move to Barcelona, see our blog about MONTHLY APARTMENT RENTALS IN BARCELONA and chose your best home to stay.

If you are looking for the ideal accommodation for your stay in Barcelona, visit BARCELONA HOME.
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