Tips to Ensure you Have a Clean Living Space

Who does not like to come home to a clean living space?

A clean home creates the perfect environment for your household to thrive. With the absence of bacteria and illness-causing germs, you have a safe place to spend your time. As we celebrate the perks of a clean home environment, note that maintaining a clean home takes hard work and dedication. Cleaning activities need to be done thoroughly and routinely.

In this article, we will highlight tips that ensure you have a clean and comfortable living space.

Do regular laundry and dusting

Allowing laundry to pile up is one of the worst habits. Dirty clothes contaminate the air and make our homes prone to germs. As such, make a habit of doing laundry a couple of times a week. Depending on your schedule, you can opt to do this every morning or on alternate days.

Also, adopt a weekly routine of cleaning your curtains and blinds. Clean vertical blinds every other week to ensure they maintain their shine and original color. That way, your home also maintains style while ensuring optimal comfort.

Empty garbage bins regularly

Garbage disposal should be done daily. As such, make sure that you empty all the house bins every morning or every evening.

Garbage attracts pests such as cockroaches and flies. To avoid pest infestation, do not pile-up dirt in your bin. Also, talk to your garbage collector to see how often they can pick up your garbage. 

Besides, the importance of cleaning the bin cannot be over-emphasized. After disposing of waste, clean it with hot water and detergent. Before placing them in their rightful place, air-dry them. That way, you are assured of odor-free living space.

Regularly vacuum your house

Dust is particularly detrimental to asthmatic people and those who suffer respiratory complications. Considering that a carpet or rug provides the perfect place for dust to settle, vacuum the house every day.

Periodically, dust-off kitchen counters, the wall, and the ceiling. If unattended, these places provide a breeding ground for spiders and other insects.

Keep the living room tidy

The living room provides a relaxing space and somewhere to welcome visitors. It is the focal point of your whole house.

To maintain a good look, make sure that everything is in its rightful place. Arrange your bookshelf and make sure that they are no toys and unnecessary stuff on the floor. All cushions should be neatly placed on the couches.

To improve your home’s curb appeal further, make use of art and add a few flowers. These are things that spruce up an already clean home.

Clean the dishes

Nobody wishes to wake up to a sink full of dirty dishes from the previous night or two. To maintain a clean home, load the dishwasher after every meal. No need to run it every time. However, you should do it every time it is close to full. Doing so eliminates the unsightly look of dirty dishes and eliminates the possibility of foul smell emerging from the kitchen.

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