The game in associations

The game in associations

What comes first to your mind, thinking about such an amazing city like Barcelona, of course apart from Barcelona FC? Personally, according to the name, I associate it with:

B– beach;
Undoubtedly, there was a reason in due time that exactly Barcelona’s beach was chosen for Shakira’s video clip “Loca”; Honestly, the first thing I did when I just came to Barcelona, I went roller skating on Barceloneta beach, crooning Shakira’s song.

A– active;
Barcelona is a very energetic and active city, in all senses of these words. Here, the life just boils. It is really easy to feel and understand, even if you just go for a walk during the night and meet an old man jogging. Personally, I have made a conclusion that the term “life” for Spanish people means activity, move, and act. Unwittingly, you start following their “life doctrine” and you don’t notice how you go through the whole city on your own feet!

R– rare;
Every street, every corner or just a simple bench is unique and valuable.

C– communicative;
For sure, you will never get lost or feel loneliness, because everyone, who you can meet in any uncertain situation, will help you, give a piece of advice or just tell a funny story from his life, thereby elevate your mood.

E– events;
Almost every weekend in Barcelona you can find any event for any taste, from highly spiritual aesthetes to desperate extreme lovers, not talking about permanent world tours of many musical stars.

L– learning;
As I could notice, Barcelona is a huge meeting point of different cultures, histories, and people from all around the world. Moreover, they meet each other to share their cultural riches and to learn something new.

O– open-minded, original;
Barcelona is super friendly and open for everything new and different. Here you have a unique opportunity to show yourself, your personality and creativity, feeling free. I am, as the owner of a quite strange style of my haircut, absolutely convinced by this fact.

N– natural;
In case you got tired exploring Barcelona, a huge number of different parks and gardens, created by the greatest masters of their crafts such as Gaudi and others, with great pleasure will shelter you with their cozy benches and fountains.

A – amazing; for me Barcelona is just an amazing city. I have been staying here for 8 months and I have got so many impressions during this short term.

This summer I decided to change my constant role of a “tourist – student” and try my hands in completely new and unexplored sphere, which is called Barcelona Home. For me, helping people to learn, to see, to feel something new and to live a new experience, sounds great. We will see what comes out from it.

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xavi: Hello there! I love to travel, and Barcelona is a great city to live, thats why I decided to write about it and share my experiences!