Hostafrancs Market

Hostafrancs Market is located in the area of Sants on Carrer de la Creu Coberta. This area has many amenities, as well as a great train and bus station. The market is one of the great sights to see in the area. The Hostafrancs Market was opened in 1888 and the grand iron structure was designed by the same architect of the Sant Antoni market. If you happen to find yourself in the Sants area, be sure to check out this great market!

The area of Sants was originally a village which was absorbed into Barcelona in 1897. This area has a heavy working-class and industrial background with major textile works previously situated here. The old site of one textile works has now been converted into a beautiful new park, Parc Espanya Industrial. This park is great in the summer and is popular with the local kids who come to cool down in the pools. Also as it is located right next to the train station, it is a nice place to wait for your train instead of in a stuffy waiting room.

The Hostafrancs Market itself is a large structure selling fruit, veg, meat and fish and around the outside are stalls selling clothes and shoes. The building follows a traditional design with 3 aisles. It is great to take in the wonderful sights, smells and sounds of the bustle of the locals meandering through the many stalls. You will notice straight away the absence of the tourists of La Boqueria and the fantastic atmosphere representative of a great Catalan market.

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Opening Times of Hostafrancs Market:

Monday to Thursday: 7am – 2.30pm

Friday: 7am – 8pm

Saturday: 7am – 3pm

How to get to the Hostafrancs Market:

Bus: 56, 57, 157

Metro L1 (Hostafrancs)

If you would like to stay in the lively and bustling area of Sants, you can find amazing and comfortable accommodation at Barcelona Home.


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