Escuela Parla Language school

If you are in Barcelona and already speak Spanish, then its time for you to learn Catalan language! Escuela Parla in Barcelona is a language school that provides high quality Catalan and English courses, as well as private classes in Spanish.

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The courses are designed to teach you exactly what you want to know from day one. At Escuela Parla language school professors will teach you exactly what you want them to, so they need to first understand what you would like to learn, why you want to learn it, and how you would like to learn, in order to match the most appropriate course to your needs. Their native teachers ensure that you receive the best in all language skills: grammar , vocabulary, conversation , listening, etc.

At Escuela Parla language school the courses are designed to involve more than one language, supplemented by extensive cultural elements. In this way, the students gain a deeper understanding of the language and the culture it represents.

The school has implemented interactive mechanisms, allowing students to provide feedback on the teaching processThis helps professors greatly improve the quality of their courses in order to benefit you and future students even more. The structures and schedules of the courses have been made so that they suit the needs of students in terms of class hours, prices and pace of learning.

If you are looking for accommodation near Escuela Parla Language School, check out our Apartments in Eixample.


Address: C/ Muntaner 82, 1º 3ª 08011 Barcelona, SPAIN

Accommodation Barcelona

xavi: Hello there! I love to travel, and Barcelona is a great city to live, thats why I decided to write about it and share my experiences!