Fundación Joan Miró

Barcelona es una ciudad fantástica para ver una amplia gama de estilos y piezas de arte y la Fundación Joan Miró no es la excepción.

La mayor parte de las entidades culturales se han apuntado al carro de las nuevas tecnologías, es una forma divertida, diferente práctica e innovadora de dar a conocer las obras de los artistas. Facilita la interacción para compartir contenidos culturales de una forma fresca y divertida.

Play Miró es una aplicación para conocer la obra del artista Joan Miró en toda su dimensión. Compartir el conocimiento desde diversos puntos de vista y formatos respecto al artista, su vida y su obra.

Nacido en Barcelona en 1893, Joan Miró cuenta con un inconfundible estilo surrealista que consiste en formas atrevidas y colores brillantes. Su estilo único, de niño, deconstruye las formas convencionales de la pintura, él fue uno de los primeros en desarrollar el dibujo automático, que se opuso a la metodología establecida de la pintura.

Joan Miró’s style and contribution to art has been internationally recognised and Barcelona is one of the best places to view and experience his artwork.

In 1983, this well-respected artist died at the age of 90 years old leaving behind a great legacy which you can see at the Joan Miró Foundation and across the city. You can also view one of his most well-known sculptures, Dona i Ocell, in the Joan Miró Park located near Plaza España.

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Fundacion Miro:

The Foundation was opened in 1975 and was the first public insitution in Barcelona to solely showcase contemporary art. It was intended to encourage younger artists into this art form. Joan Miró donated many of his works to the foundation and it remains one of the best places to view his art today.

There are also temporary exhibitions on all year round and you can check what’s on at the Foundation’s official website.

Espai 13 is an additional space dedicated to experimental artists where they have free-reign over the space to display their piece(s). There is always something different and interesting to see each time you come to the Foundation.

In the building of the foundation, there is also a library containing documents, articles and books related to the artist, a gift shop and a restaurant where you can enjoy a coffee and meal in the lovely garden terrace.


Adults €11

Concessions €7

Opening Times:

Closed on Mondays

Tuesday to Saturday – 10am – 7pm

Sundays and public holidays – 10am to 2.30pm

How to get there:

Metro: Funicular de Montjuic from Parel-lel metro station

Bus: 150, 55

Visión ampliada

Alojamiento en Barcelona

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xavi: Hello there! I love to travel, and Barcelona is a great city to live, thats why I decided to write about it and share my experiences!