Barcelona Live!

I came to Barcelona 4 months ago at the first of February for the first time of my life to start a Semester abroad as an Erasmus Student and fell immediately in love with the city. Everything’s so different to Germany, the country where I am from! But that’s what I have been searching for – getting to know a new culture. It is not only the weather I am fascinated about, there is so much more like for example the way people are enjoying their lives every day at every time in the streets, either in a bar with friends or while doing sports at the beach. Additionally the architecture and as well the diversity within the city are just amazing. When I came here I was really lucky I already knew a friend from my hometown in Germany, who helped me to settle in quickly, to get to now the city, being told the cultural differences and last but not least to find a good place to live in Barcelona in an awesome flat share what’s worth a lot to me. But as time went on I got to love the city even more as there is so much to experience apart from the touristic stuff everyone is connecting to it. Moreover it’s not only Barcelona, which is wonderful, it is as well Catalonia, that can be easily experienced by doing day trips to for example the Montserrat, the highest mountain in the area with a nice landscape.

For all those reasons I decided to stay 3 more months in Barcelona to do an internship since I don’t want to miss out spending the summer in that amazing city. I searched on the Internet for vacancies, which could be matching with my profile and my studies and finally a friend told me about Barcelona Home. So I looked it up and saw that it only got positive references from former interns what convinced me to apply and now I am here, doing my internship, learning new things on a daily basis and be able to keep on living the dream in Barcelona!

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xavi: Hello there! I love to travel, and Barcelona is a great city to live, thats why I decided to write about it and share my experiences!