The Barcelona Experience

The Barcelona Experience

I’ve always been a keen traveller. Visiting new places, meeting interesting people, getting to know different cultures, learning foreign languages- can’t imagine my life without it. From my own experience, I can certainly say, that it’s not just a cliche- travelling and living abroad really does develop your communication skills, broaden your horizons and also give you great confidence. As a result, now I am more comfortable speaking in English to foreign people, than I’ve ever been talking in my native language.

Being 22, I decided it’s time to finally gain some real working experience, at least during the summer. I didn’t want to waste my holidays sitting in a boring office in my hometown by the cold Baltic Sea. I wanted to spend it in a place, which I have always associated with perfect weather, the best atmosphere and the nicest people. I wanted to spend my summer in Barcelona. I was here just once, for a couple of days, but it was enough to become enchanted by the city. Music at every corner, amazing food and warm sea- what more can you possibly want? While I was here the only problem was, that there was too much to see and far too little time. Therefore I knew, I had to come back. And I did. My Barcelona experience begins now. I’m about to spend the next two months here and my plan is to make the most of it. I want to embrace this amazing atmosphere and culture as much as I can. I want to come home with the best memories and some great friendships.

 Barcelona- please be good to me.

Name: Martyna
Nationality: Polish
Age: 22



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xavi: Hello there! I love to travel, and Barcelona is a great city to live, thats why I decided to write about it and share my experiences!