Living the dream in Barcelona!!

This internship is my opportunity too take my study to the next level and to achieve my dream in Barcelona!

Why to Barcelona?

Because.. well there is everything, in the Netherland I life in a very small community but in Barcelona with more then 1.6 million people it  is a adventure too live here for the next 3 months.

I’d love to watch TV too people who travel around the world, this is my own first big journey and Barcelona is the perfect place to be with the nice weather, beautiful views, lovely food and friendly people.

This is the chance to (i m)prove what I have learned on school about IT and bring up my language skills.

I am here for 2 days now, and I already love it, the whole day looking around to all the cool stuff Barcelona can offer you.

Can not wait to go out and check it out all again!

I am a happy man who can say ‘’I have been living dream in Barcelona!’’.

Add me on Facebook: Marcel Roelvink, and we will have a chat.

My name is Marcel, I am 22 years and commin from the Netherlands.

xavi: Hello there! I love to travel, and Barcelona is a great city to live, thats why I decided to write about it and share my experiences!