Hooked up by Barcelona.

It’s not my first time in Barcelona but I’m pretty sure it’s not gonna be the last one. There are many places on earth where you can feel good, far away from everything, but there is no one like Barcelona. If I could resume what I feel about being here I would definitely say, happiness.

It’s incredible how many things you can do and see around here, the magnificent architecture around the city, the people always being so kind to foreigns, the food as the most amazing expression of tradition and good taste. Don’t miss all what this city can offer to you, the amazing weather, the beach and the nightlife (going out in Barcelona is a MUST, you are gonna find one of the best atmospheres ever!)

If you are a food lover don’t forget to get some typical Tapas, or a good paella sitting in the Gothic-Quarter (Barcelona’s patrimony). Tip, if you are a Jamón Serrano lover, Barcelona is the place to be, easily you can find all around the city nice places to get good Ham at good price, and if you really enjoy all about this great Spanish product, don’t miss Museo del Jamón at Ramblas, inside you can taste many kinds of Ham and there is also a Museum where you can find all about its process and production.


xavi: Hello there! I love to travel, and Barcelona is a great city to live, thats why I decided to write about it and share my experiences!