Dream of Barcelona

Dream of Barcelona

I’ve always had the dream to come to Barcelona. Every time I think about it, I think about “la Sagrada Familia” or the greatest and biggest football stadium in Europe “camp Nou”. Besides that I think about the sun, which always or most time shine in Barcelona. And so in April 2015 my dream come true. So I doing an internship for one month. So I was really ready for Barcelona? So I arrived at Sunday, the 5th of April on 9 o’clock. I was so exciting because it was my first trip and flight to another country as Germany about 12 years. When I arrived at the airport, I was like “wow”. When I flew from Germany there were just 5 degrees. But in Barcelona the sun was shining and it was warm. The first thing I had to come to my apartment (I’m doing an internship for a month, I got an additional mediated through my project manager). Since I was still unsure to take the metro or the bus, I took a taxi eventually. My internship is in Europe, where you have to sign over his school and then but only needs to finish a job, the rest take over the project. Each of the German, how had the chance to do make one, should do it.

My arrival and my way to my apartment. I was looking forward to my apartment. I have seen pictures and was in good spirit. If you are the first in Barcelona you are impressed. I was it. I never dream about how beautiful Barcelona is. In Barcelona are only one-way-streets and in the middle of the Streets are huge footpath. If you are visit Barcelona you don’t need a taxi you can walk on the middle strips and look at the old buildings. And at my first day I walked down the streets and look at the locals during your life. At my apartment I looked over a cross-breeding and around the corner was the “Sagrada Familia”. So if you want to visit Barcelona it is imperative that you have seen “La Sagrada Familia”. But you have to bring a lot of time because there are many people. Besides it is a spectacular building. So visit it!! If you visit Barcelona for a longer time like me (one month). Make sure that you make you a plan what you want to do. Barcelona is very expensive and you should take enough money. But if you have a credit card you pay everything with it. If you live in Barcelona more weeks you will get live easier as you think. The language and the lifestyle all will be easier. At the first days you will search and compare all prizes like in your country but someday you know all about it.

So finally I will say if you had the chance to stay in Barcelona for more weeks, make plans about what you want to do here. Don’t be shy to speak the language. In Barcelona the people are friendly and helpful. So try it out.

Name: Max
Country: Germany
Age: 23

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xavi: Hello there! I love to travel, and Barcelona is a great city to live, thats why I decided to write about it and share my experiences!