N.I.E. und Polizeihauptquatiere

How to apply the NIE number and the social insurance number

The NIE number

If you are an EU citizen and want to work in Spain, you need a NIE and a social insurance number.

The first step is to request the NIE number. To do this, you must go to one of the police stations below and fill out the form you get there. You can also download and print the form here. The following documents are required:

– identity card or passport
– two copies of the identity card or passport
– the NIE form
– a copy of the NIE form

When you submit these documents, you will receive a certified photocopy of the form and the NIE number on the same day. A fee of 6,00 € will be charged.

Most police stations open at 9:00 am and close at 2 pm. You should prepare for a long wait or be there before opening the police station. In addition, only a few of the staff in the police stations speak English.

List of police stations where the NIE number can be requested:

Barceloneta: Marques de Argentera 2, 08003 Barcelona

Tel: 0034 935 201 410  (This is the main office)

Accommodation in Barcelona

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xavi: Hello there! I love to travel, and Barcelona is a great city to live, thats why I decided to write about it and share my experiences!