Primavera Sound

Primavera Sound Festival in Barcelona 2014 will be held from d. May 28 to 31 at the Parc del Forum in Barcelona. Even a perfect opportunity for all festival lovers we have among us! One really can not miss this international indispensable event.

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What Primavera Sound?

Primavera Sound is a music festival that has been held in Barcelona since 2001. You can enjoy live music in the form of concerts spread over 8 concerts. Music genres for this festival is pop, rock and underground music. There have been bands like: Bo Iver, Pixies, Neil Young, Pet Shop Boys, My Bloody Valentine, The Cure, Death Cab for Cutie. The White Stripes, Sonic Youth, Franz Ferdinand and many more.

The festival concentrates on combining the latest sounds from the independent scene with already established bands. Primavera stands out from other festivals with its unique concept as they bundle all the years have continued to follow. Many people love this festival, as the focus on new and alternative artists, rather than commercial.

Other activities at the Primavera Sound

    • Record Fair The held at the Parc del Forum. National and international brands can meet up here and show their products to the public.
    • Flat Stock Flat Stock is one of the most important exhibitions of this kind in Europe. Flat Stock is a touring show of concert posters of plastic artists, and will be the same place on record fair at the Parc del Forum
    • Minimúsica. This is an activity where children have the opportunity to integrate with the music offer in the festival. Mini Musica is an interactive, singing, children have the opportunity to participate in. It consists of concerts where artists adapts to the family title.
    • PrimaveraPro  Professional from Pimavera Sound music industry has the opportunity to meet here and increase their network. It is seen as a strategic point for cultural exchanges between the countries in Europe, North America and Latin America.

In addition to these activities, there will be many cultural activities around the parks of Barcelona, ​​which is more suitable for families. This year, the Parc de la Ciutadella host the Primavera Aperitifs and this will happen in the daytime.

Spring City

Primavera a la ciutat (Primavera in the city) is a concept where Primavera trying to bring the music and the spirit closer to the festival’s guests. The headquarters of Primevara a la ciutat will take place in Parc del Forum and opens d. May 28. Many large concerts will here be free. This is a perfect option for those who want to save money for the summer, but still want to participate in the Primavera Sound festival. Primavera als Bars are part of the Primavera a la ciutat, here national and international artists asked to play live music in the bars in town. Then there Primavera als Clubs how many tickets heats up during the day to the final event at Parc del Forum. Last but not least, music documentaries that will be shown to the public.
Ask finally Barcelona-home if you are missing an opportunity.

Practical information


Find out more about the artists  playing at the festival and the daily program 


Full festival ticket t: € 195

VIP-ticket: € 250

A day ticket: € 60 if you buy before d. 6 May. After here it is € 90

For more information, visit the official website.


Parc del Forum, Barcelona, ​​Spain.


Bus: Linjer 43, 7, 36,141, 41 natbusser N6 and N7

Metro: Linje 4 Maresme-Forum Station (Exit Rambla Prim). Festivals Sidén (Forum Park) metro station 150 meter fra

Took: Trambesòs (Line T4)

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xavi: Hello there! I love to travel, and Barcelona is a great city to live, thats why I decided to write about it and share my experiences!