Category (archive title) Other information

Other information about Barcelona you will find interesting. Tips how to avoid problems, where to get a haircut and much more.

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Top 10 Most Amazing Tree Houses

They attract the attention of people by being unusual and moreover are in key locations…

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The top 10 most expensive houses in the world

They may not be the most spectacular buildings, but what makes them unique is their…

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The Most Spectacular Castles in the World

Many of these historic spectacular castles are authentic tourist attractions that every traveler should visit once…

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Transform your Bachelor Pad!

Transform your Bachelor Pad! Modeling off of MTVs hit series Cribs, we bring you a…

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Under the stairs

What would Harry Potter say? What do you do with that gap under the stairs…

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Ideas for dream wardrobes

The best ideas for dream wardrobes, find them here! Today, with the evolution of fashion…

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Barcelona-home, like being at home

Barcelona-home, like being at home. At the time I was working at Barcelona-Home, many of…

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How to use the buses in Barcelona

If you wish to use the buses in Barcelona, in the same way as the…

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Ice Skating Rink of Plaza Catalunya

Christmas is a magical time and while it's still more than a month away, the…

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Barcelona Card: the best pass for tourists

Barcelona often has many tourists and likes to take advantage of that! This is why…