Category (archive title) About Barcelona

All information you need to know about Barcelona – where to stay, the city, transportation, working and much more.

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Refuge of Plaza del Diamant

In 1936, Spain got into a huge civil war. Violence, and bomb alerts, and refuge…

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  • Culture Barcelona
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Vintage Barcelona pictures

Vintage Barcelona pictures Firstly, we want to call attention to all photography enthusiasts, history lovers and…

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36 hours in Barcelona: what to do?

Maybe in your next over-Europe trip Barcelona didn't make the cut for a long-trip destination;…

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8 local brands you shouldn’t miss in Barcelona

8 local brands you shouldn't miss in Barcelona Barcelona is on the rise to becoming…

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The World’s 6 Barcelonas

Breaking discovery! Moreover, here at Barcelona-Home we have found not one, not two, but six…

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10 spectacular playrooms for children

Once Santa Claus and the Three Wise Men make their visits to every house, parents…

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Scooter Rental in Barcelona

Enjoy the great city with the best scooter rental in Barcelona! There are many ways…

  • About Barcelona
  • Where to Stay

Cheap Hotels in Barcelona

If you plan to visit Barcelona for a very short period of time, and want…

  • About Barcelona
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  • The City

Districts of Barcelona

Discover the districts of Barcelona! The city of Barcelona is divided into a number of…

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Barcelona-home, like being at home

Barcelona-home, like being at home. At the time I was working at Barcelona-Home, many of…