Category (archive title) Barcelona Directory

In our directory page can find our favourite companies and their services in Barcelona.

  • Barcelona Directory
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Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona

The Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona is the natural history museum of Barcelona, further founded over…

  • Barcelona Directory
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Top Universities in Barcelona

When you consider starting at some of the Universities in Barcelona, there's a variety to…

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  • Eating & Drinking

Top Theme Pubs in Barcelona

Tired of meeting up with friends at the same old, ordinary bars? In this diverse,…

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A perfect day with your kids in Barcelona

A perfect day with your kids in Barcelona Do you want to spend a wonderful…

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  • Eating & Drinking

Top Craft Beer Bars in Barcelona

Craft beer has recently become a trend all over the world. Needless to say, Barcelona has been swept…

  • Restaurants

Where to Eat During the Mobile World Congress

This year the Mobile World Congress will again be taking place in Barcelona. And as everyone…

  • Eating & Drinking
  • Restaurants

Where to Eat near Plaça d’Espanya

Plaça d'Espanya is one of the most popular neighborhoods in which to stay for people visiting…

  • Clubs


Carpe Diem Lounge Club (CDLC) is one of Barcelona’s most cherished beachfront party establishments. The…

  • Clubs


Razzmatazz club is an icon of Barcelona‘s alternative culture on both the national and international…

  • Clubs

Elephant Restaurant & Lounge Club

You should go to Elephant Restaurant & Lounge Club if you are searching for a trendy…