Category (archive title) Barcelona Directory

In our directory page can find our favourite companies and their services in Barcelona.

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Best Italian restaurants in Barcelona

The Best Italian restaurants in Barcelona If you are looking for the best Italian restaurants…

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La Modelo prison opens to the public

La Modelo Prison is now open for public viewing! La Modelo is the name given…

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Airsoft Fields in Catalunya

Airsoft Fields in Catalunya Perhaps you already know that Airsoft is one of the most…

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Top 5 fun things to do in Barcelona

One thing that the city of Barcelona is not going to disappoint you on, it's…

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Best Private Transfers in Barcelona

Do you want to arrive at your destination in your own private comfort? Then, keep…

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Check out the best Irish bars in Barcelona

Ireland's beloved festivity Saint Patricks' Day is quickly approaching and certainly the best way to celebrate it…

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The Best Asian restaurants in Barcelona

Asian folks are traveling all over the world, and are bringing their culture with them!…

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Best Beauty Salons in Barcelona

Whether you're looking to glamorize yourself before an important occasion or simply want to pamper yourself with…

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Top American Restaurants in Barcelona

Homesick expats and locals with a craving for a good burger and french fries, welcome!…

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The Best Cafes in Barcelona

Each person has their unique way to enjoy coffee. For instance: a single shot of espresso,…