Beautiful country, people and lifestyle!

Sun, music, friendly people and an amazing lifestyle! This is what Barcelona represents! First time I came to Barcelona 3 years ago I was amazed by this beautiful and friendly city! I always wanted to come back. As I am finishing my MBA, and in Dubai now is more then 45 degree in July I got a good opportunity from Barcelona Home to do an internship with them! I am very happy to be part of their    “ family” and I feel it will turn into a great experience and future life and work opportunities!

Barcelona, as a life style I would say is best city from Europe! I have traveled almost all the world, I saw most of countries in Asia, Europe, America, Middle East, Australia and there are few countries which really have everything in terms of life style, climate, food, landscapes, work, behavior of people! And here you get everything! I recommend Barcelona to everyone at least to come and visit it! You will love it and enjoy it at maximum!

xavi: Hello there! I love to travel, and Barcelona is a great city to live, thats why I decided to write about it and share my experiences!